Building Charts with Multiple Series and Custom X-Axis

Building the Bar Chart

Now we’re ready to build the chart with multiple series. Select columns B through H. Choose the Insert tab and select Column from the Charts section, and click on the first bar chart option:

Column Chart Selection

This is what we’re working with:

Multi Series Chart

Now we need to make it pretty. Double-click on one of those slim bars to bring up the Format Data Series dialog box. Slide the Series Overlap bar all the way to the right towards Overlapped. Slide the Gap Width bar all the way left towards No Gap.

Format Data Series

Click OK.

Looking better? Let’s see:

Thick Bars Chart

Now we have just a couple things to fix… The Percentage data on the y-axis is being shown as a decimal. Double-click on the y-axis to bring up the Format Axis dialog. Choose the Number sub-menu on the left and change the Category to Percentage, and set the Decimal Places to 0 (zero).

Format Y-Axis

Click Close.

Finally, we can get a bit more readability by moving the Legend to the top of the chart and adding a thin outline to the bars… Select the chart and choose the Layout menu tab under Chart Tools and click the Legend button. Click on Show Legend on Top.

Chart Legend Menu

To add an outline to the bars, select the chart and choose the Design menu tab from the Chart Tools section. Click the drop-down under Chart Styles and choose the outlined bars icon.

Chart Design Select

That’s it! Now you have a beautiful chart that is readable in seconds without any explanation, and all this from a data set that was as boring as it was impenetrable!

Final Chart