Building Charts with Multiple Series and Custom X-Axis

Removing the Date Gaps

We’re going to tackle the date issue first. The secret to Excel charting is that it always tries to guess what sort of chart you need based on how the data is formatted. Standard date formats get turned into a date series axis in Excel, we we’re going to trick the program into thinking they’re not dates. We’re going to do this by converting the dates to text so Excel can’t tell how to sort them. We’ll keep the original dates available for us to use in sorting, etc.

Insert a new column in between the Date and Percentage. I’m calling mine Date Text. We’re going to use the TEXT() function to convert the numbers to text in Excel, which has the following syntax:

=TEXT(value, format_text)

The value in this case is the date field from column A.

The format_text is the format of the number before it is converted to text. In our case, we’re going to use an abbreviated Month Day format.

In column B, insert the following formula in cell B2:

=TEXT(A2,"mmm. dd")

We are taking the date in the A column and using standard Excel date formatting to specify that we want 9/4/2012 to become “Sept. 4”. You can drag the formula down to cover all the rest of the date rows.

Excel will read these “dates” as text and put them in a nice row in the chart:

Uniform Dates Chart

Things are looking up already…